Chapter 1: Who this Marketing Plan Guide is For

If you are an entrepreneur who’s brave enough to question whether your current marketing approach is working, you’re not alone. Most new businesses fail because they don’t recognize that their assumptions about their customer, their message to that customer, and how to attract and acquire that customer are flawed.

If you’re brave enough to admit you don’t understand core assumptions about your business, you’re already in a better category than most. You know you have a problem. 

The good news is that a well-designed marketing strategy is your solution. It correctly defines your customer, how you will talk to them, and how you will acquire and generate sales from them. It inoculates your business from failure. 

Marketing is your license to “Move fast and break things.” It’s the disciplined approach that tells you where to run to and what things to break (the things that are blocking your business’ growth). And it’s 1000x more effective than stitching together marketing tactics and channels in search of success. At RevKong, we call this “winging your marketing.” 

And if you are brave enough to admit you’re winging your marketing, you know it’s costing you time, money, and resources you don’t have, but you don’t have months to write a plan. You have days. 

This step-by-step guide was developed with you in mind. It will help you write a strategic, uncomplicated marketing plan fast. Designed to be a living document, your plan won’t collect dust on a shelf. You will refer to it daily and it will unite the efforts of your team.

Ready to get started?